Thursday, July 29, 2010

So many resources so little time...

I am sooo encouraged by the amount of QUALITY blogs out there about healthy living!!! No matter how much you "think" you know, it's always good to get a new perspective on things.

What are some of YOUR favorite blogs regarding health/fitness/weight-loss/fashion ?


I haven't "worked out" since the other morning when I was ticked the heck off. I know I can't allow what's going on around me to have an impact on my fitness/eating routine. Must.Stay.Focused....I need to take advantage of one of the few things in my life I have DIRECT control over :)...Okay.. pity party over...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I worked it out

I felt bad for not posting about yesterday... but since I'm the only one here (for now) I've decided to forgive myself ;).

Yesterday I stayed on track with my meals ( for the most part). For some odd reason I had the desire to go to the gym at 9pm of all times!! So I did and hour on the treadmill (2.49 miles). 30 minutes on the elliptical (2.4 miles) and a very resistance exercises. I probably should've eaten a bit more before going, but...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Watch Out Now!!

I am tired as you know what but I HAD to log on to past the good news....SOME kind of way I slipped up and lost 9 pounds... I know shocking isn't it?  Nine pounds two weeks...and I didn't even do everything I was supposed to.. so imagine if I had actually incorporated real exercise...but here's what I DID do.

Remember how I shared with you the fact that I've been "cleaning house" lately? Well, I stumbled upon a binder with a diet and exercise plan from VH1s show Flab to Fab ( or something like that). In one of the print outs I found a liquid diet plan. It seemed easy enough to follow and didn't require purchasing 3,000 worth of food so I decided I'd give it a shot.  Well I made it through lunch- then decided it may not be such a great idea to start on the 1st day of my cycle. Well, by the next day my sister commented on how wonderful my skin looked, and there were noticeable differences to my midsection. Since then I've started replacing a meal or two every 3 or for days with either fresh carrot juice or tomato juice. For this upcoming week I will commit to a liquid diet AND  60 minutes of exercise. I'll make sure I let you know how it goes, provided I don't fall the flip out ;).

One word of caution- you may want to begin the diet on a "free" day- you'll want access to the restroom.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

If I never buy another diet/exercise/fitness book it will be too soon!

I've been afforded the luxury of working from home for the last few months. During this time I get the occasional burst of motivation to "organize" my life. Occasional being the key word. What I've come to realize during these out bursts is that over the years in my quest to regain the old me- I've acquired quite a few books to help me on that journey. I'm not saying I've read them all; but they're here. I'm sure when I bought most of them I started off with the greatest intentions. I'd wake up and say THIS is he day I'm going to make the commitment. I'd scurry off to the bookstore- purchase whatever the latest and greatest "I'm gonna tell you how to lose weight and be happy" book at the time is, get home and return to my regularly scheduled program.

I started browsing through a few of them and determined a few things:
1) For the most part they all say the same thing; just different wording.
2) If I had taken time to actually FOLLOW the plans detailed in aforementioned books I'd probably be WAAAAAY ahead of the game.
3) I already have all the information I need. It's now just a matter of applying that knowledge.

For some reason this Epiphany feels so different from the Ah-ha moments I've had in the past. This time it's S-E-R-I-O-U-S!

I'm just curious- what books are in your collection?